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FALLING-FLOORWORK workshop – January 15–16


Updated: Feb 19, 2022

This workshop is inspired by Martial Arts, Release, and Floor-Work techniques. The first part of the workshop focuses on warming up and preparing the body for the exercises. The Floor-Work dimension of the workshop stresses the importance of the weight of the pelvis and of the idea of falling - how to be able to move efficiently, fast but in a controlled way. The second part of the workshop consists of a dancing phrase in continuity with the first part. The end part takes to the form of a guided improvisation using the learned tools. It is an open level workshop.

WHERE: ZeroPlus Dance Studio in Jurányi House 1027 Bp. Jurányi u. 1. first floor

WHEN: Saturday, January 15, 2022: 10:00-12:00 Sunday, January 16, 2022: 10:00-12:00

PARTICIPATION FEE HUF 7,000 for the 2-day workshop HUF 3,500 for a single day.

REGISTRATION Please fill out this form until January 13, 2022:

The condition for participation is the payment of fee by bank transfer. After registration, you will receive an invoice together with the bank transfer details. If the workshop is cancelled, we reimburse 100% of the fee.

Max. number of participants: 10 persons

If you have any questions, or need further info on the workshop, please send an e-mail to:

ALEX MIKLOSY is a Europe based dancer, choreographer and yoga teacher, born in Budapest, Hungary. Graduated at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance (London) with a BA (hons) in Contemporary dance. Worked as a dancer in Hungary with Willi Dorner(Austria), Ziggurat project, Zero Ballet, Willany Leó Improvisation Dance Theatre, Hungarian National Opera, Mu terminal and in Son of Saul (movie) as movement artist. Also worked with Robert Clark in a festival Beyond Fronta in Slovenia, with Grace Keeble in Margathe at Turner Contemporary(UK), with Jessica Wright, Zoe Dimitriou and Eleven Farer House in London. He has recently worked with Wilhelmina Ojanen, who is a Sadler's Wells young associate artist and also worked with Lia Haraki in Cyprus. At the moment He works with Truefitt Collective in London. As a choreographer Alex Miklosy has recently worked with 3rd year students of Escola Superior de Danca in Lisbon (Portugal),He also made a piece for Zero Ballet titled "Technokol" in Budapest, Hungary and a solo "Would you mind?" for Inklingroom in London. Studied yoga at Bhaktivedanta University of Theology in Budapest. He also practiced aikido and tai chi. Giving workshops in London (UK), Budapest (Hungary), Cairo (Egypt), Istanbul (Turkey), Almaty (Kazakhstan for Samruk Dance) ,Prague (Czech republic), Beirut (Lebanon), Nicosia (Cyprus), Bucharest (Romania), Varna (Bulgaria), Amman (Jordan), Lisbon(Portugal) and in Athens (Greece).



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